Franconia Notch Discovery Map
Franconia Notch Discovery Maps highlights local businesses and events in the region to show tourists and locals what unique opportunities and things there are in the region.
The Map is available throughout the region, at several Welcome Centers in NH, and will also soon be available at the Manchester Airport and the Big E in Springfield, Ma.
New Hampshire’s Franconia Notch region, comprised of the picturesque mountain towns of Lincoln, Franconia, Twin Mountain, Sugar Hill, North Woodstock, Littleton, Lancaster, Jefferson, and Bethlehem, offers an incredible range of attractions for the short- or long-term visitor. Each town, hewn into the rock-studded mountains that give the granite state its name, has its own unique charm and collection of recreational opportunities. World-famous hiking and classic New England skiing are only the tip of the iceberg; snowmobiling, amusement parks, scenic drives, and an incredible range of dining options welcome visitors to the White Mountains. At the end of the day, an incredible range of lodging options—from primitive camping to five-star hotels—provide options in every niche.