Love.Yarn.Shop. is committed to supporting New England and American sourced yarns, so you will find the yarns you need come from New Hampshire, Maine, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Montana, Colorado, Ohio, Wyoming, South Dakota, and Nebraska.
Love.Yarn.Shop. opened in 2015, on Bethlehem, NHs quaint Main Street, right in the historic Colonial Theatre.
Events & Weekly Classes
At Love.Yarn.Shop. we host monthly events and hold weekly classes. Click here for the winter class / event schedule.
Below is an overview of what’s going on at LYS:
Second Fridays from 5-7. These casual social events are open to the public and require no pre-registration. Bring your knitting or crocheting and enjoy the company of fellow fiber enthusiasts with some nibbles and sips.
Special Sundays from 1-3 Although the shop is normally closed on Sundays, one Sunday of the month, we gather together to knit/crochet/felt projects for worthy causes. We have made shawls and throws for those in long-term care facilities, hats for families in local shelters and babies in maternity wards, knitted knockers for breast cancer survivors, and toys for children in the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth. These Sunday afternoons are open to all.
Knit and Crochet! Every Saturday from 4-5 and every Wednesday morning from 10:30-12:00 is dedicated to teaching knitting and crocheting and helping people with their projects. In the learn to knit session, you cast-on either a hat or cowl, learn the knit stitch, and knit in the round, with homework to continue knitting for 7 1/2 inches, and the next week, you finish the project by decreasing the crown of the hat or binding off for the cowl. Quick gratification. If you want to learn crochet, students learn to chain, single crochet, 1/2 double crochet, and double crochet while making a “sampler” cowl.
Shop Hours:
Tuesday through Saturday, 10-5.* In addition, the shop is open for special events and business the second Friday of each month from 5-7 and the one Sunday of each month from 1-3. We looking forward to seeing you!
*Special “Mud Season” Hours in April are just Friday and Saturday from 10-5.