Willing Workers Society Of Sugar Hill
The Willing Workers Society of Sugar Hill, New Hampshire is a non-sectarian, charitable organization whose purpose is to foster a spirit of helpfulness throughout the community.
The Willing Workers Society is a nonprofit nonsectarian organization whose purpose is to foster a spirit of helpfulness throughout the community. Our members come from Sugar Hill and neighboring towns. We meet the first Thursday of each month for a lunch and business meeting held at the Sugar Hill Meetinghouse or Crapo Building. Annually, our organization hosts events in Sugar Hill, funds educational merit awards and donates to community needs and programs. This is who we are now, but our roots were established long ago.
Shop at the Sugar Hill Willing Workers’ Grandma’s Attic where you will find gently used treasures with something for everyone! Browse by category. Save items to your cart & go to checkout. Payment options include cash or check at time of pick-up, online with credit card, or online with PayPal. Grandma’s Attic will correspond with you to schedule an appointment for pickup and/or to visit the shop for in-person thrifting or donations. Have even more fun – make an appointment to visit Grandma’s Attic with several friends.Refer questions to [email protected]. Some items shown in our online store are not on display in our physical location due to shortage of space. Shop online here.